Sunday, April 7, 2013

Meal Plan Monday - April 8, 2013

Pin It Its been a while since I've shared my weekly meal plan.  Its not that I haven't been planning our meals, 'cause I have.  I really can't function without a plan!  But I do like the idea of sharing meal plans.  I am often inspired to try something new or reminded of an old favorite when I read other people's plans, especially gluten, dairy and egg-free meal plans.  So in the hopes that someone (anyone) might be inspired, here's our plan for the week.

MONDAY - My favorite Java Crockpot Roast minus the cream cheese with mashed potatoes and a veggie

TUESDAY - Crockpot Salsa Bean Chicken I'm really giving my crockpot a workout this week - two dinners in a row!

WEDNESDAY - Pizza  It's my boy's 9th birthday so we'll be having his requested dinner

THURSDAY - Mongolian Beef and Broccoli

FRIDAY - Sausages with peppers, onions, and mushrooms over rice

SATURDAY - My 11 year old and I will be going to the annual Mother & Daughter Banquet hosted by her Faith Girls group.  Not sure what my hubby's going to feed the rest of the family, but I know he'll do a fine job!

SUNDAY - Hamburgers on the grill!  I'm so excited that its getting to be grilling weather!

So what's on your plan this week?

This plan is being shared on Gluten Free Menu PlanMenu MondayMusings of a Housewife and Menu Plan Monday


  1. My kids love the Mongolian Beef at PF Chang's. I will have to put in on our menu soon! Thanks.

  2. the link for the java crockpot roast doesn't seem to be working and it sounds yummy...could you re-post?

    1. Thanks for letting me know. I've fixed it!


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